Pentahbisan Uskup Keuskupan Ruteng, Flores NTT
Category: editorial March 22, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Thousands of Catholics of Ruteng diocese attend the ordination Mass of the Bishop of Ruteng diocese, Flores, NTT, Ms Siprianus Yours in the Ruteng Cathedral Catholic Church on Thursday (3/19/2020). -JP / Markus Makur / Adi / 20
Ribuan Umat Katolik Keuskupan Ruteng hadir misa Pentahbisan Uskup Keuskupan Ruteng,Flores, NTT, Mgr Siprianus Hormat di Gereja Katolik Katedral Ruteng, Kamis, (19/3/2020). -JP/Markus Makur/Adi/20