Penutupan Akses Pemilihan Wakil Gubernur Jakarta
Category: editorial April 06, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
A Police officer closes the access to Kebon Sirih road, Central Jakarta, on Monday (6/4/2020). The closing was in the context of securing the election of the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta in the DPRD Building. -JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 20
Aparat kepolisian menutup akses jalan Kebon Sirih, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (6/4/2020). Penutupan tersebut dalam rangka pengamanan pemilihan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta di Gedung DPRD. -JP/Dhoni Setiawan/Adi/20