Pekerja Informal Terdampak Covid-19
Category: editorial April 13, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
A number of Becak drivers await passengers in the Ciputat Region, South Tangerang, Banten, Monday (4/13/2020). The government provides social protection assistance (social assistance) for the community, especially the poor and informal workers whose income is affected by the Corona virus (COVID-19) such as the Basic Needs Card Program for 20 million recipients with the amount per package there is: Rp 200 thousand per month starting from March to December 2020. -JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 20
Sejumlah pengemudi Becak menanti penumpang di Kawasan Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Senin (13/4/2020). Pemerintah memberikan bantuan perlindungan sosial (bansos) untuk masyarakat khususnya kelompok miskin dan pekerja informal yang pendapatannya terdampak virus Corona (COVID-19) seperti Program Kartu Sembako untuk 20 Juta penerima dengan besaran per paket ada;ah Rp 200 ribu per bulan mulai Maret-Desember 2020.-JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 20