
Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB)

Category: editorial April 15, 2020. Credit:


Herman Maulanasyah, who is fondly called Kang Chemot, a barber in Ciawi, West Java (Tuesday, April 14, 2020), cares to give support to the Medical Teams who are dealing with people affected by the Covid-19 virus. Although he could not help directly, Kang Chemot was concerned about fighting the Covid-19 virus by wearing his own creation of Hazmat clothing and also attaching a sheet of lyric paper to the song "Heal the World" from Michael Jackson and also attaching a Black ribbon as a sign of sorrow the minds of many victims who died and were concerned about the rejection of the funeral of a Nurse's body that occurred a few days ago. - JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20


Herman Maulanasyah yang akrab dipanggil Kang Chemot, seorang pemangkas rambut di Ciawi, Jawa Barat (Selasa, 14 April 2020), peduli memberi dukungan kepada para Tim Medis yang sedang menangani masyarakat terkena virus Covid-19. Walau tidak bisa membantu secara langsung, namun Kang Chemot peduli melawan virus Covid-19 dengan memakai pakaian Hazmat hasil kreasi sendiri yang terbuat dari plastik dan juga menempelkan selembar kertas lirik lagu "Heal the World" dari Michael Jackson dan juga menempelkan pita Hitam sebagai tanda duka cita banyaknya korban yang meninggal dan prihatin akan penolakan pemakaman jenasah seorang Perawat yang terjadi beberapa hari lalu. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20


