
Terminal Bis Jatijajar

Category: editorial April 27, 2020. Credit:


A number of Medal Jaya Bus drivers majoring in Depok - Sukabumi route are forced to stay at the Jatijajar bus terminal, Depok - West Java on Monday, 27 April 2020. Since the enactment of the long-distance bus rules may not operate in and out of the Greater Jakarta area, they have stayed at the terminal because the bus company where they work in Cibinong has not provided funds for their return to Sukabumi. At present they can only expect help from various parties to eat their daily meals. - JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20


Sejumlah pengemudi Bus Medal Jaya jurusan Depok - Sukabumi terpaksa tinggal di terminal bus Jatijajar, Depok - Jawa Barat (Senin, 27 April 2020). Sejak diberlakukannya aturan bus jarak jauh tidak boleh beroperasi keluar dan masuk wilayah Jabodetabek, mereka berdiam di terminal karena pihak perusahaan bus tempat mereka kerja di Cibinong tidak memberikan dana untuk ongkos mereka pulang ke Sukabumi. Saat ini mereka hanya bisa mengharapkan bantuan dari berbagai pihak untuk makan mereka sehari-hari. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20


