Pedagang K 5 Terdampak Imbas Covid-19
Category: editorial April 30, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Darta (38 years old) works on a frame and mirror order on Jalan Juanda, Bekasi City (30/04/2020). Pandemic outbreak of covid-19 virus reduced the income of the father of 2 children. The corona virus that caused the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in the city of Bekasi made its daily turnover decrease dramatically. Before the plague, he was able to pocket Rp.500,000 per day, while during the Covid-19 pendemic his income dropped dramatically between Rp.50,000 - Rp 100,000 per day. West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil decided to extend the PSBB mass in Bodebek Regency / City (Bogor, Depok and Bekasi) for the next 14 days until May 21, 2020.-JP / Adi Purnama Yulistiawan / Adi / 20
Darta (38 tahun) mengerjakan pesanan bingkai dan cermin di Jalan Juanda , Kota Bekasi (30/04/2020). Wabah Pandemi virus covid -19 menurunkan pendapatan bapak 2 anak tersebut. Virus corona yang menyebabkan di berlakukannya Pembatasan Sosial Bersekala Besar (PSBB) di kota Bekasi membuat omset hariannya menurun drastis. Sebelum wabah, Ia bisa mengantongi Rp.500.000,- perhari sedangkan saat wabah covid-19 ini pendapatannya menurun drastis antara Rp.50,000 – Rp 100.000 perhari. Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil memutuskan memperpanjang massa PSBB di Kabupaten/Kota Bodebek (Bogor, Depok dan Bekasi) selama 14 hari ke depan hingga 21 Mei 2020.-JP/Adi Purnama Yulistiawan/Adi/20