Bahasa Portal
Category: editorial May 07, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A woman from Citeureup, Bogor - West Java on Thursday, May 7, 2020 waved as she entered the gate of her neighborhood that was installed with a portal with an appeal banner about the Covid-19 virus. However, residents prefer witty words in the writing on the banner that is "Sorry !! We LOVE DOWN". - JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20
Seorang wanita warga Citeureup, Bogor - Jawa Barat, Kamis, 7 Mei 2020 melambaikan tangan saat memasuki gapura lingkungan tempat tinggalnya yang dipasang portal dengan spanduk himbauan tentang virus Covid-19. Namun, warga lebih memilih kata-kata jenaka pada tulisan di spanduk tersebut yaitu "Maaf !! Kita Lagi LOVE DOWN". - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20