TMII kosong
Category: editorial May 09, 2020. Credit: Seto WardhanaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Empty area at the temporarily closed Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, Saturday, May 9, 2020. the park was empty since the government implement The Large Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) to curb the spread of Covid-19 virus. JP/Seto Wardhana/sas/20
Area kosong di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah yang ditutup sementara, Jakarta, Sabtu, 9 Mei 2020. taman itu kosong sejak pemerintah menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Skala Besar (PSBB) untuk mengekang penyebaran virus Covid-19. JP / Seto Wardhana / sas / 20