Rapid Test di Pasar
Category: editorial May 13, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Two officers use Face Shield when serving Rapid Test registration in the Pasaraya building yard, South Jakarta (Wednesday, May 13, 2020). The paid Rapid Test was carried out by the Fakhira and Halodoc Clinics supported by Pasaraya. - JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20
Dua petugas memakai Face Shield saat melayani pendaftaran Rapid Test di halaman gedung Pasaraya, Jakarta Selatan (Rabu, 13 Mei 2020). Kegiatan Rapid Test berbayar ini dilaksanakan oleh Klinik Fakhira dan Halodoc yang didukung oleh Pasaraya. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20