Petugas Penggali Kubur TPU Pondok Ranggon, Jakarta Timur
Category: editorial May 25, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A number of TPU Pondok Ranggon grave diggers, East Jakarta (Monday, May 25, 2020) buried the bodies of victims of the Covid-19 virus. The grave diggers continued to work on the second day of Eid, because the bodies of the victims of the Covid-19 virus who dies had to be buried.- JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20
Sejumlah petugas penggali kubur TPU Pondok Ranggon, Jakarta Timur (Senin, 25 Mei 2020) melakukan pemakaman jenasah korban virus Covid-19. Para petugas penggali kubur tetap bekerja di hari kedua lebaran, karena jenasah korban virus Covid-19 yang terus berguguran harus dimakamkan.- JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20