
New Normal

Category: editorial May 29, 2020. Credit:


A barber shop consumer is waiting in front of the store with a sign that physical distancing is still installed in the haircut that is filled with consumers in JL K.H Agus Salim, Bekasi City (05/28/2020). The economic activities of the people after the Eid-ul-Fitr 1441H returned to the stretch by following the new normal guidelines or the new normal order in the amid of the Covid-19 pandemic which was hoped to restore economic activity while still paying attention to the application of the new normal protocol.-JP / Adi Purnama Yulistiawan / Adi / 20


Seorang konsumen barber shop sedang menunggu di depan toko dengan tanda physical distancing  masih terpasang di pangkas rambut yang di penuhi konsumen di JL K.H Agus Salim, Kota Bekasi (28/05/2020) . Kegiatan ekonomi Masyarkat selepas idul fitri 1441H  kembali menggeliat dengan mengikuti panduan new normal atau tatanan normal baru di tengah pandemi Covid-19 yang  di harapkan memulihkan kembali kegiatan ekonomi namun tetap memperhatikan penerapan protokol normal baru.-JP/Adi Purnama Yulistiawan/Adi/20


