Persiapan New Normal Mall Jakarta
Category: editorial June 03, 2020. Credit: Seto WardhanaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Mall staff prepare a mask and hand sanitizer Vending Machine at Central Park Mall, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Malls across Jakarta prepare themselves for the new normal stage as the 3rd phase The Large Scale Social Restriction will end on June 4, 2020. -JP/Seto Wardhana/Adi/20
Staf mal menyiapkan masker dan pembersih tangan Mesin Penjual Otomatis di Central Park Mall, Jakarta, Rabu, 3 Juni 2020. Mal-mal di seluruh Jakarta mempersiapkan diri untuk tahap normal baru karena fase ke-3 Pembatasan Sosial Skala Besar akan berakhir pada 4 Juni 2020 . -JP / Seto Wardhana / Adi / 20