Konferensi Pers seusai rapat terbatas di kompleks Istana Kepresidenan
Category: editorial June 23, 2020. Credit: SIGID KURNIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
BNPB Chief Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo (right), Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security Mahfud MD (left) and LHK Minister Siti Nurbaya delivered a press conference after a limited meeting at the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, Tuesday (06/23/2020). The government has anticipated the potential for forest and land fire explosions that normally occur in August to September and will conduct rain engineering through weather modification technology. -JP / ANTARA / Sigid Kurniawan / POOL
Kepala BNPB Letjen TNI Doni Monardo (kanan), Menko Polhukam Mahfud MD (kiri) dan Menteri LHK Siti Nurbaya menyampaikan konferensi pers seusai rapat terbatas di kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Selasa (23/6/2020). Pemerintah telah mengantisipasi potensi ledakan kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang biasa terjadi pada Agustus sampai September dan akan melakukan rekayasa hujan melalui teknologi modifikasi cuaca. -JP/ANTARA /Sigid Kurniawan/POOL