Masker Motif
Category: editorial July 01, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A spice trader at Kramat Jati Central Market, East Jakarta (Wednesday, July 1, 2020) who wore a mask with the face motif of President and Teacher of the Nation Abdurrahman "Gus Dur" Wahid and the writing "75 years Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia", serves the buyer. The threat of the Covid-19 virus that has not yet ended makes people have to wear masks when outside the home and are surrounded by many people and currently many new creations make the mask so good to see. - JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20
Seorang pria pedagang rempah-rempahan di Pasar Induk Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur (Rabu, 1 Juli 2020) yang memakai masker dengan motif wajah Presiden dan Guru Bangsa Abdurrahman "Gus Dur" Wahid dan tulisan "75 tahun Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia", melayani pembeli. Ancaman virus Covid-19 yang belum berakhir menjadikan masyarakat harus memakai masker saat diluar rumah dan dikerumunan otang banyak dan saat ini banyak kreasi baru membuat masker jadi enak dilihat. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20