
Bangkitkan Ekonomi Kreatif

Category: editorial July 08, 2020. Credit: Dhoni Setiawan


(left-right), President of Coworking Indonesia / CEO of KUMPUL Faye Alund, Plt. Deputy of Digital Economy and Creative Products Kemenparekraf Josua Simanjuntak and Director of Digital Economy Application and Governance Kemenparekraf Muhammad Neil El Himam were the guest speakers at the opening ceremony of the 2020 Baparekraf for Startup (BEKUP) program in Jakarta, Tuesday (07/08/2020). BEKUP is an annual program of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenparekraf) that has been running since 2016, and has facilitated 390 pre-startups in 15 cities throughout Indonesia. In its fifth year, BEKUP invites startup startups to jointly restore the creative economy and tourism of the country amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic through their business ideas and innovations. -JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 20


(kiri-kanan), Presiden Coworking Indonesia/CEO KUMPUL Faye Alund, Plt. Deputi Bidang Ekonomi Digital dan Produk Kreatif Kemenparekraf Josua Simanjuntak dan Direktur Aplikasi dan Tata Kelola Ekonomi Digital Kemenparekraf Muhammad Neil El Himam menjadi narasumber dalam acara pembukaan program Baparekraf for Startup (BEKUP) 2020 di Jakarta, Selasa (8/7/2020). BEKUP merupakan program tahunan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif RI (Kemenparekraf) yang telah berjalan sejak 2016, dan telah memfasilitasi 390 pre-startup di 15 kota di seluruh Indonesia. Pada tahun kelimanya ini, BEKUP mengajak para startup pemula untuk bersama-sama memulihkan ekonomi kreatif dan pariwisata tanah air di tengah tantangan pandemi COVID-19 lewat ide dan inovasi bisnis mereka. -JP/Dhoni Setiawan/Adi/20


