Pelanggar PSBB
Category: editorial July 17, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A Satpol PP officer oversees three PSBB violators in Ciracas Market, East Jakarta (Friday, July 17, 2020) who were sentenced to sweep the streets. There are still a number of people who do not care about health and ignore the appeal of the Government to always wear masks to prevent the danger of the Covid-19 virus when outside the home, especially the increasing cases of Cobid-19 in the Jakarta area. - JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20
Seorang petugas Satpol PP mengawasi tiga orang pelanggar PSBB di Pasar Ciracas, Jakarta Timur (Jum'at, 17 Juli 2020) yang dihukum menyapu jalanan. Masih ada sejumlah masyarakat yang tidak peduli akan kesehatan dan mengabaikan himbahauan dari Pemerintah untuk selalu memakai masker guna mencegah bahayanya virus Covid-19 saat berada diluar rumah, apalagi makin meningkatnya kasus Cobid-19 di wilayah Jakarta. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20