Penggali kubur TPU Pondok Rangon
Category: editorial September 28, 2020. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A grave digger at Pondok Ranggon Public Cemetery, East Jakarta (Monday, 28 September 2020) who is still fully equipped with Personal Protective Equipment, stretches his legs after working to dig a grave. The officer was actually in charge of lifting and burying the coffin of the Covid-19 victim who was unloaded from the Jenasah Car, but he helped their colleagues who made the grave holes which were a bit inconvenient because several bodies came together while the grave holes were not yet available. - JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 20
Seorang petugas penggali kubur di Taman Pemakaman Umum Pondok Ranggon, Jakarta Timur (Senin, 28 September 2020) yang masih lengkap memakai Alat Pelindung Diri, merenggangkan kakinya seteelah bekerja menggali lubang kubur. Petugas tersebut sebenarnya bertugas mengangkat dan memakamkan peti jenasah korban Covid-19 yang diturunkan dari Mobil Jenasah, namun dirinya membantu rekan-rekan mereka yang membuat lubang kubur yang sedikit agak kerepotan karena beberapa mobil jenasah datang bersamaan sedangkan lubang kubur belum tersedia banyak. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/20