Pengawas Protokol Covid-19
Category: editorial September 28, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
The supervisor of the Covid-19 protocol oversees the proceedings at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday (28/9/2020). The supervisor of the Covid-19 protocol, which consists of internal security officers, serves to maintain the implementation of health protocols in the District Court building environment during the Covid-19 pandemic. - JP / Dhoni Setiawan / vja / 20
Pengawas protokol Covid-19 mengawasi berlangsungnya sidang di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Senin (28/9/2020). Pengawas protokol Covid-19 yang terdiri dari petugas keamanan internal tersebut berfungsi untuk menjaga penerapan protokol kesehatan di lingkungan gedung Pengadilan Negeri selama pandemi Covid-19. JP/Dhoni Setiawan