Kibarkan Bendera Setengah Tiang
Category: editorial September 30, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
The red and white flag flying at half mast in the office building area on Jalan Sudirman, Wednesday (30/9/2020). The flying of the red and white flag at half mast is a form of concern over the events of September 30, 1965 (G30S). - JP / Dhoni Setiawan / vja / 20
Bendera merah putih berkibar setengah tiang di kawasan gedung perkantoran di Jalan Sudirman, Rabu (30/9/2020). Pengibaran bendera merah putih setengah tiang sebagai bentuk keprihatinan atas peristiwa 30 September 1965 (G30S). - JP/Dhoni Setiawan/vja/20