Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Bali
Category: editorial September 25, 2018. Credit: Zul Trio AnggonoDESCRIPTION (EN)
an excavator trying to extinguish the fire at the Suwung Landfill (Final Disposal Site), Denpasar, Bali Monday 24/09/2018. the second fire was difficult to suppress due to the thick smoke and an area of approximately 9 hectares of garbage. JP / Zul Trio Anggono
sebuah ekskavator berusaha memadamkan api di TPA (tempat Pembuangan Akhir) Suwung, Denpasar, Bali Senin 24/09/2018. kebakaran kedua kalinya sulit dipandamkan akibat pekatnya asap serta luas sampah lebih kurang 9 hektar. JP/Zul Trio Anggono