Kendaraan Proyek Hangus Terbakar
Category: editorial October 09, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
A number of vehicles for the Underpass Senen Extension project were burned down in the Senen area, Jakarta, Friday (9/10/2020). A number of public facilities such as bus stops, separators, traffic lights, police posts were damaged due to the chaos between the police and the demonstrators who refused to pass the Work Creation Law (Omnibus Law) on Thursday (9/20/2020). (JP / Dhoni Setiawan)
Sejumlah kendaraan proyek proyek Underpass Senen Extension hangus terbakar di kawasan Senen, Jakarta, Jumat (9/10/2020). Sejumlah fasilitas publik seperti halte, separator, lampu pengatur lalu lintas, pos polisi rusak akibat ricuh antara pihak kepolisian dengan massa demonstrasi yang menolak pengesahan UU Cipta Kerja (Omnibus Law) pada Kamis (9/20/2020). (JP/Dhoni Setiawan)