Sisa Kebakaran Bioskop Grand Theater
Category: editorial October 09, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
Firefighters cool down the Grand Theater Senen Cinema building in the Senen area, Jakarta, Friday (9/10/2020). The fire occurred when a mob of rioters after the demonstration refused to ratify the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law on Thursday (9/10/2020) yesterday flew to the Grand Theater Senen Cinema building and spread to a number of kiosks behind the building. (JP / Dhoni Setiawan)
Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran melakukan pendinginan gedung Bioskop Grand Theater Senen di kawasan Senen, Jakarta, Jumat (9/10/2020). Kebakaran terjadi saat massa perusuh pasca demonstras yang menolak pengesahan Omnibus Law UU Cipta Kerja pada Kamis (9/10/2020) kemarin membakar gedung Bioskop Grand Theater Senen dan merembet sejumlah kios yang berada dibelakang gedung tersebut. (JP/Dhoni Setiawan)