Grand Theater aftermath
Category: editorial October 09, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
Firefighters spray for cooling process of Grand Theater cinema, Senen, which was on fire in Senen area, Jakarta, on Friday October 9. 2020. The fire were occurred after the demonstrators against the Job Creation Law (Omnibus Law) on Thursday October 8. 2020 evening burned down the Grand Theater Senen Cinema and spread a number of stalls behind the building. JP / Dhoni Setiawan / sas / 20
Petugas Pemadam Kebakaran melakukan pendinginan gedung Bioskop Grand Theater Senen di kawasan Senen, Jakarta, Jumat (9/10/2020). Kebakaran terjadi saat massa perusuh pasca demonstras yang menolak pengesahan Omnibus Law UU Cipta Kerja pada Kamis (8/10/2020) kemarin membakar gedung Bioskop Grand Theater Senen dan merembet sejumlah kios yang berada dibelakang gedung tersebut. JP/Dhoni Setiawan/sas/20