Persiapan Natal
Category: editorial December 23, 2020. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
Workers paint a wall fence at the Santo Theresia Church, Menteng, Jakarta, Wednesday (23/12/2020). Some churches in the capital are holding Christmas Eve mass and 2020 Christmas Mass by limiting attendees as much as 20-30 percent of the church capacity. JP / Dhoni Setiawan
Pekerja mengecat pagar dinding di Gereja Santo Theresia, Menteng, Jakarta, Rabu (23/12/2020). Sejumlah Gereja di ibukota menggelar misa malam Natal dan misa Natal 2020 dengan membatasi umat yang hadir untuk beribadah sebanyak 20 - 30 persen dari kapasitas gereja. JP/Dhoni Setiawan