Pertunjukkan Lampu Gereja Katedral
Category: editorial January 01, 2021. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
The highlight of colored lighting is seen during the Christmas Eve celebration outside of the Cathedral building, Jakarta, Thursday (24/12/2020). The Cathedral Church installed Christmas tree lights and ornaments in the church yard to celebrate Christmas 2020. JP / Dhoni Setiawan
Sorotan tata lampu berwarna terlihat saat perayaan ibadah misa malam Natal di bagian luar bangunan Gereja Katedral, Jakarta, Kamis (24/12/2020). Gereja Katedral memasang tata lampu dan ornamen pohon Natal di halaman gereja untuk memeriahkan perayaan Natal 2020. JP/Dhoni Setiawan