Pemakaman Jenazah Covid-19
Category: editorial January 02, 2021. Credit: %@DESCRIPTION (EN)
A grave digger who is fully equipped with Personal Protective Equipment, walks between the graves at Pondok Ranggon Cemetery, East Jakarta (Friday, January 1, 2021) before the funeral for the bodies of Covid-19 victims will be carried out by overlapping the graves of his relatives. On the first day of 2021, grave diggers continue to work to bury the bodies that died from Covid-19 and Non-Covid-19. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/21
Seorang petugas penggali kubur yang lengkap memakai Alat Pelindung Diri, berjalan diantara makam di TPU Pondok Ranggon, Jakarta Timur (Jum'at, 1 Januari 2021) sebelum pelaksaan pemakaman jenasah korban Covid-19 yang akan dilakukan secara tumpang ke makam familinya. Di hari pertama tahun 2021 ini, petugas penggali kubur tetap bekerja guna memakamkan jenasah yang meninggal karena covid-19 maupun Non Covid-19. - JP/P.J.Leo/leo/21