Social Punishment
Category: editorial January 06, 2021. Credit: bDESCRIPTION (EN)
Joint officers stopped motorcyclists who were not wearing masks in Cililitan, East Jakarta (Wednesday, January 6, 2021) and subjected to social punishment by wearing orange vests and sweeping the streets. During Covid-19 Pandemic people were asked to follow health protocols to wear a mask when outside the house. - JP / P.J.Leo /wen
Petugas gabungan mencegat pengendara motor yang tidak memakai masker di Cililitan, Jakarta Timur (Rabu, 6 Januari 2021) dan dikenakan hukuman sosial dengan mengenakan rompi oranye dan menyapu di jalanan. Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 yang belum tuntas saat ini, masyarakat diminta mengikuti protokol kesehatan yang salah stunta adalah memakai masker saat berada diluar rumah. - JP/P.J.Leo/wen