Search and Resque Sriwijaya Air SJ182
Category: editorial January 11, 2021. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
Indonesian Red Cross personnel spray disinfectant on the National Search and Resque Team (Basarnas) ship which has just been used for the evacuation of the bodies of the victims of the Sriwijaya Air SJ182 plane at Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) Pier, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Monday (11/1/2021). Until now, the joint Search and Resque (SAR) team continues to search for victims and debris from the Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 aircraft near the Thousand Islands. JP / Dhoni Setiawan/wen
Personel Palang Merah Indonesia menyemprotkan disinfektan di atas kapal Basarnas yang baru digunakan untuk proses evakuasi jenazah korban pesawat Sriwijaya Air SJ182 di Dermaga JICT, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, Senin (11/1/2021). Hingga saat ini tim SAR gabungan terus melakukan pencarian korban dan puing pesawat Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 di perairan Kepulauan Seribu. JP/Dhoni Setiawan/wen