KNKT Periksa Serpihan SJ-182
Category: editorial January 13, 2021. Credit: JP/DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
Personal Cost Guard carrying pieces of Sriwijaya Air PK-CLC flight number SJ-182 which crashed in the waters of Pulau Seribu, at JICT Pier, Jakarta, Wednesday (13/1/2021). The National Transportation Safety Commission (NTSC) continues to examine various findings of fuselage debris to determine the cause of the crash. JP / Dhoni Setiawan/wen
Personal Cost Guard membawa serpihan pesawat Sriwijaya Air PK-CLC nomor penerbangan SJ-182 yang jatuh di perairan Pulau Seribu, di Dermaga JICT, Jakarta, Rabu (13/1/2021). Komisi Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) terus melakukan pemeriksaan berbagai temuan serpihan badan pesawat untuk mengetahui penyebab jatuhnya pesawat. JP/Dhoni Setiawan/wen