Pelukis Spanduk
Category: editorial April 16, 2021. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Hartono (51) paints a catfish pecel banner in his office, Bekasi, Wednesday (31/3/2021). The painting banner business, which was started in 2008, has sold many of its products to various cities in Indonesia with a selling price of IDR 130,000 to IDR 150,000 depending on the number of pictures and sizes ordered. JP / Yulianto Catur Nugroho
Hartono (51) melukis spanduk pecel lele di ruang kerjanya, Bekasi, Rabu (31/3/2021). Usaha spanduk lukis yang dimulai sejak tahun 2008 tersebut telah banyak menjual hasil produknya ke berbagai kota di Indonesia dengan harga jual Rp130.000 sampai Rp150.000 bergantung jumlah gambar dan ukuran yang dipesan. JP/Yulianto Catur Nugroho