Pertumbuhan ekonomi
Category: editorial May 02, 2021. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The Electric Rail Train crosses the backdrop of skyscrapers in Jakarta, Wednesday (21/4/2021). Bank Indonesia (BI) has revised the projection of national economic growth throughout 2021, to a range of 4.1 to 5.1 percent which was previously estimated to grow. in the range of 4.3 percent-5.3 percent. JP / Yulianto Catur Nugroho
Kereta Rel Listrik melintas dengan latar gedung pencakar langit di Jakarta, Rabu (21/4/2021) .Bank Indonesia (BI) kembali merevisi proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sepanjang tahun 2021, menjadi kisaran 4,1 hingga 5,1 persen yang sebelumnya diperkirakan bertumbuh di kisaran 4,3 persen-5,3 persen. JP/Yulianto Catur Nugroho