Vaksinasi Covid 19
Category: editorial June 14, 2021. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
People queue to take part in the Covid-19 Vaccine at the Bogor Resort Police, Bogor Regency Complex - West Java (Friday, June 4, 2021). The implementation of the free Covid-19 vaccination was held in the context of accelerating mass covid-19 vaccination. - JP/P.J.LEO
Masyarakat mengantri untuk mengikuti Vaksin Covid-19 di Polres Bogor, Komplek Kabupaten Bogor - Jawa Barat (Jum'at, 4 Juni 2021). Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Covid-19 gratis ini diadakan dalam rangka akselerasi vaksinasi covid-19 massal. - JP/P.J.LEO