
Ujicoba sekolah Tatap Muka

Category: editorial June 14, 2021. Credit: ´


Grade 4 students at SD Negeri Kalisari 01, East Jakarta (Wednesday, June 9, 2021) work on their Year-End Assessment assignments at their school during a face-to-face trial. A number of schools in the Jakarta area started this Wednesday, conducting face-to-face learning trials during the Covid-19 Pandemic, which has not subsided at this time. The school implements very strict health protocols starting with showing your hands when you arrive at the school yard, checking body temperature, keeping a distance when sitting in the classroom and wearing masks and face shields, to keep students healthy. - JP/P.J.LEO


Para siswa siswi kelas 4 SD Negeri Kalisari 01, Jakarta Timur (Rabu, 9 Juni 2021) mengerjakan tugas Penilaian Akhir Tahun di sekolah mereka saat kegiatan ujicoba tatap muka. Sejumlah sekolah di wilayah Jakarta mulai hari Rabu ini, melakukan uji coba belajar tatap muka dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 yang belum reda saat ini. Pihak sekolah melakukan protokol kesehatan sangat ketat dri mulai muncuvi tangan saat tiba di halaman sekolah, pengecekan suhu tubuh, menjaga jarak saat duduk di ruang kelas dan memakai masker seeta face shield, untuk menjaga agara para siswa siswa tetap terjaga kesehatannya. - JP/P.J.LEO


