
PFI Tangerang Photo Exhibition

Category: editorial June 14, 2021. Credit: @


A Chinese woman from Benteng, a resident of Pasar Lama - Tangerang, Banten (Tuesday, June 1, 2021) with her child came out of her house through the side door of the house where the walls of the residents' houses were used as a photo exhibition for photographers who are members of the Indonesian Photo Pewarta Tangerang. The newly formed PFI Tangerang held a journalistic photo exhibition with the theme "Reducing Covid-19 in the Tangerang Old Market area on 29 May - 2 June 2021, totaling 51 photos. Local residents complained to the exhibition committee to extend the exhibition until Sunday, 6 June 2021. - JP/PJLEO


Seorang wanita Cina Benteng warga Pasar Lama - Tangerang, Banten (Selasa, 1 Juni 2021) bersama anaknya keluar dari rumahnya lewat pintu samping rumah dimana dinding rumah warga dijadikan tempat Pameran Foto para fotografer anggota Pewarta Foto Indonesia Tangerang. PFI Tangerang yang baru terbentuk ini melakukan pameran foto jurnalistik dengan tema "Meredah Covid-19 di kawasan Pasar Lama Tangerang pada 29 Mei - 2 Juni 2021 yang berjumlah 51 foto. Warga setempat memuntavkepada panitia pameran untuk memperpanjang pamerannya hingga hari Minggu, 6 Juni 2021. - JP/P.J.LEO


