Vaksinasi Massal Covid-19 Stasiun Kereta
Category: editorial July 04, 2021. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The public participates in the implementation of the Covid-19 Mass Vaccination at the Bogor Railway Station, Bogor City - West Java (Thursday, June 17, 2021). The implementation of the Covid-19 mass vaccination, serving groups of elderly citizens, public workers, to the general public and the speed of vaccine delivery are very necessary to accelerate the formation of communal immunity and inhibit the spread of the Covid-19 virus - JP/ P.J.LEO
Masyarakat mengikuti pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Massal Covid-19 di Stasiun Kereta Api Bogor, kota Bogor - Jawa Barat (Kamis, 17 Juni 2021). Pelaksanaan vaksinasi massal Covid-19, melayani kelompok warga lanjut usia, pekerja publik, hingga masyarakat umum dan kecepatan pemberian vaksin sangat diperlukan untuk mempercepat pembentukan kekebalan komunal dan menghambat penyebaran virus Covid-19. - JP/ P.J.LEO