
produksi loyang kue

Category: editorial July 04, 2021. Credit:


Abdul Rosid pays attention to the cake pan produced by Ibnu Pratama's home industry in Citeureup, Bogor Regency - West Java (Tuesday, 15 June 2021). Because the price of raw materials for making cake pans, namely Aluminum and Stainless, which has continued to rise since the end of the last fasting month and has not dropped to its normal price until now, made Rosid stop production for a while waiting for raw material prices to return to normal. Rosid had difficulty buying expensive raw materials but sold his cake pans at normal prices before the price of raw materials went up. - JP/P.J.LEO


Abdul Rosid memperhatikan loyang kue hasil produksi industri rumahan Ibnu Pratama miliknya di Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor - Jawa Barat (Selasa, 15 Juni 2021). Karena harga bahan baku pembuatan loyang kue yaitu berupa Aluminium dan Stainless yang terus naik sejak menjelang bulan Puasa lalu dan belum juga turun ke harga normalnya hingga saat ini, menjadikan Rosid menghentikan produksinya untuk sementara waktu menunggu harga bahan baku kembali normal. Rosid mengalami kesulitan membali bahan baku yang mahal namun menjual loyang kue produksinya dengan harga normal sebelum harga bahan baku naik. - JP/P.J.LEO


