Petani Perempuan
Category: editorial November 24, 2021. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Four female farmers from Bendungan Village, Gunung Kidul - Yogjakarta (Thursday, 21 October 2021) use the traditional method of planting rice seeds. Due to the condition of the land that cannot be made into rice fields, residents plant rice in the rainy season or it is called rainfed rice. JP/P.J.LEO
Empat petani perempuan warga Desa Bendungan, Gunung Kidul - Yogjakarta (Kamis, 21 Oktober 2021) menggunakan cara tradisional menanam benih padi. Karena kondisi tanah yang tidak bisa dibuat persawahan, warga menanam padi dimusim penghujan atau disebut padi tadah hujan. JP/P.J.LEO