Wisata Goa Pindul
Category: editorial December 15, 2021. Credit: @DESCRIPTION (EN)
A tour operator walking along the cave, namely Goa Pindul in Bejiharjo, Gunung Kidul Regency - Yogjakarta (Thursday, October 28, 2021), photographing a number of young tourists from Jakarta before heading to Goa Pindul. Pindul Cave, one of the tourist destinations in Gunung Kidul which is starting to get busy again, is visited by tourists after being closed for a long time due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. And the management continues to apply health protocols. - JP/P.J.LEO
Seorang petugas operator wisata menyusur Goa yaitu Goa Pindul di Bejiharjo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul - Yogjakarta (Kamis, 28 Oktober 2021), memotret sejumlah wisatawan kaum muda dari Jakarta sebelum menuju Goa Pindul. Goa Pindul, salah satu destinasi wisata di Gunung Kidul yang mulai ramai kembali di kunjungi wisatawan setelah sekian lama di tutup akibat Pandemi COVID-19. Dan pihak pengelola tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan. - JP/P.J.LEO