
Jenius Launches All Digital Credit Card

Category: creatives October 28, 2022. Credit:


Bank BTPN Digital Banking Head Irwan S. Tisnabudi (center) with Jenius Brand Ambassador Sophia Latjuba (right) and Eva Celia (left) at the launch of the Jenius Visa Credit Card in Jakarta, Friday (28/10/2022). The launch of the latest innovation for the Jenius Visa credit card, which is all digital and can be managed more simply through the Jenius application, offers three choices of attractive card designs for the digital savvy community, namely Mystic Green, Rainforest, and Deep Ocean. (Courtesy of Jenius)


Digital Banking Head Bank BTPN Irwan S. Tisnabudi (tengah) bersama Jenius Brand Ambassador Sophia Latjuba (kanan) dan Eva Celia (kiri) saat peluncuran Karti Kredit Jenius Visa di Jakarta, Jumat (28/10/2022). Peluncuran inovasi terbaru kartu kredit Jenius Visa yang serba digital dan dapat dikelola dengan lebih simpel melalui aplikasi Jenius ini mengeluarkan tiga pilihan desain kartu menarik bagi masyarakat digital savy, yakni Mystic Green, Rainforest, dan Deep Ocean. (Courtesy of Jenius)


