
Requesting the President's Protection.

Category: editorial November 10, 2022. Credit:


A number of masses who are members of the Anti-Mining Mafia Community Alliance staged a theatrical action as a form of resistance in the Horse Statue area, Medan Merdeka, Jakarta, Thursday (11/10/2022). In their action, they asked for protection from President Joko Widodo so that the people of West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara whose rights were taken away due to the mining mafia game get protection as well as justice for the terror of layoffs for local workers, as well as highlighting the irregularities in the disbursement of CSR obligations and the scandal of selling non-B3 waste or Scrap. (Courtesy of Amanat)


Sejumlah massa yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Masyarakat Anti Mafia Tambang melakukan aksi teaterikal sebagai bentuk perlawanan di kawasan Patung Kuda, Medan Merdeka, Jakarta, Kamis (10/11/2022). Dalam aksinya mereka meminta perlindungan dari Presiden Joko Widodo agar masyarakat Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat yang haknya dirampas akibat permainan mafia tambang mendapatkan perlindungan sekaligus keadilan atas teror PHK bagi pekerja lokal, sekaligus menyoroti atas penyimpangan penggelontoran kewajiban CSR dan skandal penjualan limbah non B3 atau Scrap. (Courtesy of Amanat)


