Erick Thohir's Traces at Bung Karno's Exile House.
Category: editorial January 24, 2023. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Erick Thohir melakukan sholat saat Napak Tilas di Rumah Pengasingan Bung Karno, Bengkulu, Selasa (24/1/2023). Erick Thohir bersama Gubernur Bengkulu Rohidin Mersyah juga akan mengembalikan sejarah atau mengembalikan letak rumah Ibu Fatmawati ke lokasi awal, tepatnya di lokasi Bank BNI 46 saat ini. Erick Thohir dihadapan ribuan masyarakat Bengkulu membuka orasinya dengan keberhasilan perjuangan bangsa merebut kemerdekaan yang hingga sat ini pemerintah terus membangun ekonomi kerakyatan. (Courtesy of ET Team)
Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir performs a prayer during a funeral at the Bung Karno Exile House, Bengkulu, Tuesday (24/1/2023). Erick Thohir together with the Governor of Bengkulu Rohidin Mersyah will also restore history or return the location of Mrs. Fatmawati's house to its original location, to be precise at the current location of Bank BNI 46. Erick Thohir, in front of thousands of Bengkulu people, opened his speech with the success of the nation's struggle for independence, which until now the government continues to build a people's economy. (Courtesy of ET Team)