
20 Years Jatis Mobile

Category: editorial April 06, 2023. Credit:


President Director of PT Information Technology Indonesia (Jatis Mobile) Erik Rivai Ridzal (third right) with (from left) Chief of Enterprise Sri Bagus W, Deputy Main Director Asrul A. Ali, Director Yuliana, Chief of AI/Omni Channel Eko Adi S, Chief of Small Medium Business (SMB) Roidinal Ridzal taking a group photo during the “20 Years of Collaboration: A Celebration of Excellence Jatis Mobile” event in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/4/2023). A technology company that provides various solutions, ranging from messaging solutions by offering a complete range of services (WhatsApp, SMS and email), chat commerce, custom development, AI and chatbots, is currently developing the Small Medium Business market. The company plans to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) in the llll of 2023. (Courtesy of Jatis Mobile)


Direktur Utama PT Informasi Teknologi Indonesia (Jatis Mobile) Erik Rivai Ridzal (ketiga kanan) bersama (dari kiri) Chief of Enterprise Sri Bagus W, Wakil Direktur Utama Asrul A. Ali, Direktur Yuliana, Chief of AI/Omni Channel Eko Adi S, Chief of Small Medium Business (SMB) Roidinal Ridzal foto bersama saat acara “20 Years of Collaboration : A Celebration of Excellence Jatis Mobile” di Jakarta, Rabu (5/4/2023). Perusahaan teknologi penyedia berbagai solusi, mulai dari solusi perpesanan dengan menawarkan rangkaian layanan yang lengkap (WhatsApp, SMS dan email), chat commerce, custom development, AI dan Chatbot ini sedang mengembangkan pasar Small Medium Business. Perseroan berencana untuk melakukan penawaran umum perdana (initial public offering/IPO) di kuartal ll-2023. (Courtesy of Jatis Mobile)


