Taufik Hidayat visited the Le Minerale Indonesia Open 2023 booth
Category: editorial June 16, 2023. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Former national badminton player Taufik Hidayat visiting the Le Minerale booth at the 2023 Indonesia Open in Jakarta, Friday (16/6/2023). Taufik said Le Minerale was the right choice for athletes to help maintain performance and body fitness during matches. (Courtesy of Le Minerale)
Mantan pebulutangkis nasional Taufik Hidayat saat mengujungi booth Le Minerale dalam ajang Indonesia Open 2023 di Jakarta, Jumat (16/6/2023). Taufik mengatakan Le Minerale merupakan pilihan tepat bagi atlet untuk Bantu jaga performa dan kebugaran tubuh saat pertandingan berlangsung. (Courtesy of Le Minerale)