
Le Minerale educates the importance of quality mineral water

Category: editorial July 13, 2023. Credit:


Dr. RR Grace Cielia as partnership and inter-agency relations (Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) (left) accompanied by Dr. Rosita Rivai Head of Partnership and Inter-Agency Relations (right) gave appreciation to the Secretary General of the IDI Executive Board, Ulul Albab (two left) and Head of Public Relations and Digital Le Minerale Yuna Eka Kristina (Dua Kanan) for the collaboration in providing education on the importance of mineral water for the body through the "Essential Minerals Help Keep You Healthy" program in Jakarta (12/7/2023). This program will be run as an effort preventive promotive which is the pillar of the healthy paradigm proclaimed by the government. Preventive promotive will be carried out in all levels of health facilities. (Courtesy of Le Minerale)


Dr. RR Grace Cielia selaku kemitraan dan hubungan antar lembaga (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) (kiri) didampingi Dr. Rosita Rivai Ketua Bidang Kemitraan dan Hubungan Antar Lembaga (kanan) memberikan apresiasi kepada Sekretaris Jenderal Pengurus Besar IDI, Ulul Albab (dua Kiri) dan Head of Public Relations and Digital Le Minerale Yuna Eka Kristina (Dua Kanan) atas kolaborasi memberikan edukasi pentingnya air mineral bagi tubuh melalui program "Mineral Esensial Bantu Jaga Sehatmu" di Jakarta. (12/7/2023). Program ini akan dijalankan sebagai usaha promotif preventif yang menjadi pilar dari paradigma sehat yang dicanangkan pemerintah. Promotif preventif akan dilakukan di seluruh lapisan fasilitas kesehatan. (Courtesy of Le Minerale)


