Forest Conservation and Restoration
Category: editorial August 11, 2023. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Deputy Main Director of Bank Mandiri Alexandra Askandar (center) together with the board of directors of Bank Mandiri Group carried out forest conservation and restoration by planting 2,000 Redwood tree seedlings in the Panbil Nature Reserve Ecoedupark Area Batam, Riau Archipelago, Friday (11/8/2023). Bank Mandiri and its subsidiaries are committed to protecting the environment by realizing an environment, social and governance (ESG) approach to business for a sustainable future. The program implemented by Bank Mandiri is in line with the company's sustainability commitment to become Indonesia's Sustainability Champion for Better Future where one of the targets is to achieve Net Zero Emissions (NZE) for Operations in 2030 towards NZE Indonesia 2060. (Courtesy of Bank Mandiri)
Wakil Direktur Utama Bank Mandiri Alexandra Askandar (tengah) bersama jajaran direksi Bank Mandiri Group melakukan konservasi dan restorasi hutan dengan penanaman 2.000 bibit pohon Kayu Merah di Kawasan Ecoedupark Panbil Nature Reserve Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Jumat (11/8/2023). Bank Mandiri bersama anak perusahaan berkomitmen menjaga lingkungan untuk mewujudkan pendekatan environment, social and governance (ESG) pada bisnis demi masa depan yang berkelanjutan. Program yang dilaksanakan Bank Mandiri ini selaras dengan sustainability commitment perseroan untuk menjadi Indonesia’s Sustainability Champion for Better Future dimana salah satu targetnya adalah mencapai Net Zero Emision (NZE) untuk Operasional pada 2030 menuju NZE Indonesia 2060. (Courtesy of Bank Mandiri)