Happy birthday Wiji Thukul, where are you?
Category: editorial August 27, 2023. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A number of activists attended the 60th anniversary of the poet Wiji Thukul entitled "Happy birthday Wiji Thukul, where are you?" at the National Gallery, Jakarta, Saturday (26/8/2023). The activity, which was held to remind that there are still unresolved cases of gross human rights violations, including the disappearance of a number of activists such as the poet Wiji Thukul, was enlivened by poetry readings, music and film screenings. A number of activists who attended compactly wore uniforms that read "Good people don't vote for kidnappers". (Courtesy of Pospera)
Sejumlah aktivis menghadiri peringatan 60 tahun penyair Wiji Thukul bertajuk “Selamat ulang tahun Wiji Thukul, kau dimana?” di Galeri Nasional, Jakarta, Sabtu (26/8/2023). Kegiatan yang digelar untuk mengingatkan masih adanya kasus pelanggaran HAM berat yang masih belum terselesaikan termasuk hilangnya sejumlah aktifis seperti penyair Wiji Thukul itu diramaikan dengan pembacaan puisi, musik dan serta pemutaran film. Sejumlah aktivis yang hadir kompak menggunakan seragam bertuliskan "orang Baik Tidak Pilih Penculik". (Courtesy of Pospera)