PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper during the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (ABIS), "Decarbonizing Southeast Asia: Charting ASEAN Pathway to a Net Zero Future"
Category: editorial September 03, 2023. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
President Director of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper, an operational unit of the APRIL Group, Sihol Aritonang (right) shared APRIL's commitment and efforts in supporting the world carbon emission reduction target at the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (ABIS), Sunday (03/09/2023). This panel has the theme Decarbonizing Southeast Asia: Charting ASEAN Pathway to a Net Zero Future, Sihol emphasizes that decarbonization efforts at APRIL are carried out from the upstream and downstream side of sustainable land management by shifting the use of renewable and clean energy. Currently, the use of renewable and cleaner energy for operations at APRIL has reached 88.6% of the 90% target until 2030 later. (Courtesy of APRIL)
Direktur Utama PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper, unit operasional APRIL Group Sihol Aritonang (kanan) membagikan komitmen dan upaya APRIL dalam mendukung target pengurangan emisi karbon dunia pada gelaran ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (ABIS), Minggu (03/09/2023). Panel ini bertema Decarbonizing Southeast Asia : Charting ASEAN Pathway to a Net Zero Future, Sihol menekankan bahwa upaya dekarbonisasi di APRIL dilakukan dari sisi hulu leeat pengelolaan lahan yang berkelanjutan dan hilir dengan peralihan penggunaan energi yang renewable dan bersih. Saat ini, penggunaan renewable dan cleaner energy untuk operasional di APRIL telah mencapai 88,6% dari target 90% hingga 2030 nanti. (Courtesy of APRIL)