
File: Rekor Kodam XVII Cendrawasih

Category: editorial September 10, 2019. Credit:


The founder of the Indonesian World Record Museum Jaya Suparana handed over the MURI record charter to the Commander of the XVII Kodam / Cenderawasih Maj. Gen. George Elnadus Supit at the Cenderawasih Regional Military Command in Jayapura. The charter was awarded for the success of 13 TNI soldiers from Kodam XVII / Cenderawasih who successfully unfolded the TNI HUT-72 logo on the Cartenz Peak on October 3, 2017. The logo measures 16.5 meters x 17.3 meters above an altitude of 4600 asl. - JP / Nethy Dharma Somba / Adi / 19


Pendiri Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia Jaya Suparana menyerahkan piagam rekor MURI kepada Panglima Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih Mayjen TNI George Elnadus Supit di Makodam Cenderawasih di Jayapura. Piagam diberikan atas keberhasilan 13 prajurit TNI Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih yang berhasil membentangkan logo HUT-72 TNI di Puncak Cartenz 3 Oktober 2017 lalu. Logo tersebut berukuran 16,5 meter x 17,3 meter di atas ketinggian 4600 dpl. - JP/Nethy Dharma Somba/Adi/19


