Vasanta Group's Commitment to Present the Best Property Works
Category: editorial September 13, 2023. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
(Left-Right) Chairman of Vasanta Group Agnus Suryadi, CEO of Vasanta Group Nicholas Hum, Executive Director of Vasanta Group Erick Wihardja, and Executive Director of Vasanta Group Denny Asalim talking in front of the Vasanta Group project model in Labuan Bajo, Tangerang, Banten, 12/9/ 2023. Entering the 2024 political year, the property growth trend in the country is projected to continue to accelerate. Vasanta Group continues to present the best properties as a form of contribution to the industry while facing future market challenges by implementing the principle of "Developments Beyond Expectation" in every step of its business (Courtesy of Vasanta Group).
(Kiri-Kanan) Chairman Vasanta Group Agnus Suryadi, CEO Vasanta Group Nicholas Hum, Executive Director Vasanta Group Erick Wihardja, dan Executive Director Vasanta Group Denny Asalim berbincang di depan maket proyek Vasanta Group di Labuan Bajo, Tangerang, Banten, 12/9/2023. Memasuki tahun politik 2024, tren pertumbuhan properti di Tanah Air diproyeksikan bakal tetap tancap gas. Vasanta Group tetap senantiasa menghadirkan properti terbaik sebagai wujud kontribusi di industri sekaligus menghadapi tantangan pasar ke depan dengan menerapkan prinsip "Developments Beyond Expectation" di setiap langkah bisnisnya (Courtesy of Vasanta Group).